Youth and Community Workers
Youth and community workers provide support to individuals or groups of individuals through a range of activities or services that aim to encourage participation in social and community life and promote personal and social development. Workers in this group also provide family support activities in the home and community, to both parents and children.
Mwy am y Gyrfa hon
Cyflog Cyfartalog
Mae gweithwyr newydd yn dechrau o gwmpas £9727. Mae tâl arferol yn £27511 y flwyddyn. Gall gweithwyr profiadol iawn ennill hyd at £39148.
Mae cyfrif swyddi yn cynnwys personau cyflogedig a hunangyflogedig, ac nid yw'n gwahaniaethu rhwng swyddi llawn amser a rhan-amser.
Tasgau Dyddiol
- Helps set up credit unions, encourages parents to establish playgroups, works with other groups to find solutions to shared concerns or problems.
- Advises individuals with particular needs or problems through informal discussion, individual counselling or formal group discussion.
- Liaises and supports voluntary workers running groups in village halls, churches, mosques and other places of worship.
- Undertakes the day-to-day running of community centres and supervises the activities of part-time and voluntary workers.
- Organises social, recreational and educational activities in local community and youth groups.
Sgiliau y mae Cyflogwyr yn chwilio amdanynt
Sgiliau Meddal
Sgiliau meddal yw sgiliau an-dechnegol sy'n cynnwys sut rydych chi'n rhyngweithio â chydweithwyr, yn datrys problemau, ac yn rheoli eich gwaith
Gwrando Gweithredol
Strategaethau Dysgu
Dealltwriaeth Ddarllen
Dysgu Gweithredol
Meddwl Beirniadol