There are lots of changes happening in Wales that affect the way in which we support our learners with Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
The Act makes provision for a new statutory framework for supporting children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN). This replaces existing legislation surrounding special educational needs (SEN) and the assessment of children and young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) in post-16 education and training.
Useful resources:
Welsh Government ALN Transformation Programme Frequently Asked Questions: The additional learning needs transformation programme: frequently asked questions
SNAP Cymru – an independent advocacy service for young people with ALN and their families: Home - Snap Cymru
Support not working for you? If you're not happy or would like to take things further. If you’re concerned about your needs and what support will look like at college, please tell us.
You can contact our: Head of ALN/ILS Claire Hughes-Davies on 0168572619 or ALNCO Eleri Evans on 01685 726021 or at
Or if you’d like to make a complaint: