Gwibio i'r prif gynnwys

Special and Additional Needs Education Teaching Professionals

Special and additional needs education teaching professionals organise and provide instruction at a variety of different levels to children who have emotional, behavioural or learning difficulties or physical disabilities. These professionals may also work with exceptionally gifted pupils.

Mwy am y Gyrfa hon

Cyflog Cyfartalog


Mae gweithwyr newydd yn dechrau o gwmpas £19281. Mae tâl arferol yn £37174 y flwyddyn. Gall gweithwyr profiadol iawn ennill hyd at £52474.



Mae cyfrif swyddi yn cynnwys personau cyflogedig a hunangyflogedig, ac nid yw'n gwahaniaethu rhwng swyddi llawn amser a rhan-amser.

Tasgau Dyddiol

  • Discusses student’s progress with parents and other teaching professionals.
  • Updates and maintains students’ records to monitor development and progress.
  • Liaises with other professionals, such as social workers, speech and language therapists and educational psychologists.
  • Supervises students in classroom and maintains discipline.
  • Prepares, assigns and corrects exercises to record and evaluate students’ progress.
  • Encourages the student to develop self-help skills to circumvent the limitations imposed by their disability.
  • Develops and adapts conventional teaching methods to meet the individual student’s needs.
  • Gives instruction, using techniques appropriate to the student’s disability.
  • Assesses student’s abilities, identifies student’s needs and devises curriculum and rota of teaching duties accordingly.
  • Creates a safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment for students.

Sgiliau y mae Cyflogwyr yn chwilio amdanynt

Sgiliau Meddal

Sgiliau meddal yw sgiliau an-dechnegol sy'n cynnwys sut rydych chi'n rhyngweithio â chydweithwyr, yn datrys problemau, ac yn rheoli eich gwaith

  • Strategaethau Dysgu


  • Monitro


  • Gwrando Gweithredol


  • Dealltwriaeth Ddarllen


  • Siarad


  • Ysgrifennu


  • Dysgu Gweithredol


  • Meddwl Beirniadol


  • Mathemateg


  • Gwyddoniaeth


Hysbysiad Cwcis

O ddefnyddio’r safle hwn rydych yn cytuno â’n defnydd ni o Cwcis.

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Croeso i Coleg Merthyr Tudful

Dewiswch dewis iath. Drwy ddefnyddio’r safle we hwn, rydych yn cytuno i’n defnydd ni o gwcis. Cliciwch am ragor o fanylion.


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