Unlike many other subjects, law affects every single thing that we do. It regulates everything from our conception and birth, to our family life and employment, right through to our death and burial.
5 GCSEs grades A*- C, including a B grade or above in GCSE English
AS Law covers the introductory element of law focusing on the development of our legal system, and how it operates today, and the civil law of Tort. This is then built on during the A level when we consider criminal law including offences against the person and murder, and then Human Right laws and how they affect us as citizens. We will also consider defences to these crimes and how they are managed in the legal system.
AS Law (exams required) • The Nature of Law and the Welsh and English Legal Systems. • The law of Tort.
Law is not just for those who would like a career as a solicitor or barrister. Employers are favourable to those with legal knowledge as the skills developed are transferrable and have ensured that many people have been successful.
01 August 2025 - 31 July 2026