Gwibio i'r prif gynnwys

Property, Housing and Estate Managers

Property, housing and estate managers manage shopping centres, residential areas, offices and private estates, arrange for the sale, purchase, rental and leasing of property on behalf of clients and employers, and provide facilities management services for businesses

Mwy am y Gyrfa hon

Cyflog Cyfartalog


Mae gweithwyr newydd yn dechrau o gwmpas £17467. Mae tâl arferol yn £34253 y flwyddyn. Gall gweithwyr profiadol iawn ennill hyd at £59794.



Mae cyfrif swyddi yn cynnwys personau cyflogedig a hunangyflogedig, ac nid yw'n gwahaniaethu rhwng swyddi llawn amser a rhan-amser.

Tasgau Dyddiol

  • Examines and assesses housing applications, advises on rent levels, investigates complaints and liaises with tenants’ association and social workers to resolve any family problems.
  • Acts as arbiter in disputes between landlord and tenant and ensures that both fulfil their legal obligations.
  • Maintains or arranges for the maintenance of estate accounts and records and produces financial forecasts.
  • Negotiates land or property purchases and sales or leases and tenancy agreements and arranges legal formalities with solicitors, building societies and other parties.
  • Conducts or arranges for structural surveys of properties and undertakes any necessary valuations of property or agricultural land, and deals with grant and subsidy applications.
  • Discusses client’s requirements and may advise client on the purchase of property and land for investment and other purposes.
  • Advises on energy efficiency.
  • Oversees the support services of a business, such as catering, IT, utilities and physical environment.
  • Makes sure that the amenities meet health and safety standards and legal requirements.
  • Manages general upkeep, maintenance and security of the estate’s amenities.
  • Determines staffing, financial, material and other short- and long-term requirements.

Sgiliau y mae Cyflogwyr yn chwilio amdanynt

Sgiliau Meddal

Sgiliau meddal yw sgiliau an-dechnegol sy'n cynnwys sut rydych chi'n rhyngweithio â chydweithwyr, yn datrys problemau, ac yn rheoli eich gwaith

  • Meddwl Beirniadol


  • Ysgrifennu


  • Monitro


  • Siarad


  • Mathemateg


  • Dealltwriaeth Ddarllen


  • Gwrando Gweithredol


  • Strategaethau Dysgu


  • Dysgu Gweithredol


  • Gwyddoniaeth


Hysbysiad Cwcis

O ddefnyddio’r safle hwn rydych yn cytuno â’n defnydd ni o Cwcis.

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Croeso i Coleg Merthyr Tudful

Dewiswch dewis iath. Drwy ddefnyddio’r safle we hwn, rydych yn cytuno i’n defnydd ni o gwcis. Cliciwch am ragor o fanylion.


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