Ansicr o'ch llwybr gyrfa? Ymunwch â ni am ddigwyddiad rhithwir wythnos o hyd gyda dros 20 o gyflogwyr a phrifysgolion lleol.
Archebwch eich lle YMA nawr!
Enw/Name |
Dyddiad/ Date |
Amser/Time |
Heather Francis/Tracie McKinney + Sioned Owens |
Gwyddorau Biolegol PDC / Biological Sciences - USW |
20.06.22 |
10.00 |
Jess Hammett |
Gwleidyddiaeth Prifysgol Abertawe / Politics Swansea University |
11.00 |
Rhys Bebb |
Cynghrair Sgrin Cymru / Screen Alliance Wales |
13.00 |
Carla Williams/ Miv Harris |
Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith gyda’r Brifysgol Agored / Work based learning with the Open University |
14.00 |
Heather Francis/ Emma Derbi |
Seiberddiogelwch - PDC / Cyber Security - USW |
21.06.22 |
11.00 |
Mark Pavey |
CVs Creadigol / Creative CVs - Blighty Booch
11.00 |
Joe Bradbury-Walters
Ysgol Ffilm a Theledu Genedlaethol / National Film and Television School |
13.00 |
Heather Francis/ Mabrouka Abuhmida |
Deallusrwydd Artiffisial – PDC / Artificial Intelligence - USW |
22.06.22 |
11.00 |
Carla Williams/ Lisa Davies |
Dysgu ar-lein gyda’r Brifysgol Agored / Online learning with the Open University |
22.06.22 |
11.00 |
Katherine George |
Gwyddorau Chwaraeon ac Iechyd – Met Caerdydd / Sport and Health Sciences - Cardiff Met |
11.00 |
Heather Harvey (Engineering) |
Peirianneg – Prifysgol Abertawe / Engineering - Swansea University |
12.00 |
Edwin Beggs |
Mathemateg – Prifysgol Abertawe / Mathematics - Swansea University |
14.00 |
Heather Francis/ Shane Galvin |
Peirianneg – PDC / Engineering - USW |
23.06.22 |
10.00 |
Debbie Nugent |
Heddlu De Cymru / South Wales Police |
23.06.22 |
11.00 |
Heather Francis |
Fforensig PDC / USW Forensics |
23.06.22 |
12.00 |
Angela Williams and Gwawr Williams
Gofal Cymdeithasol RhCT / RCT Social Care |
24.06.22 |
10.00 |
Kelly Edwards
Gyrfaoedd mewn Adeiladu - Tilbury Douglas - Careers in Construction |
24.06.22 |
11.00 |